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The Otaku World


In all essence, Otaku's are overlooked as to be people with obsession.


How I see it? We're just people with healthy hobbies to get the eustress (the good stress) in and all distress (bad stress) out. And with me, the ways to do that is to make Anie Music Videos (AMV's) no matter how long it takes and how much distress I get built up from it inside, because by the end of it all, I feel proud of the final product and enjoy the fruits of it all.


And with having to edit videos are also the enjoyments of watching ideos made by others to see what they have to offer, and the better the AMV's are that others have made and think that their works are better than mine, the more determined I am to bring myself back up to their standards. And having to see even parody music videos along with abridged series of shows that I personally like are always enjoyable to watch. And it's just the great works that others do which brings me to want to search for more videos of parodies opposed to searching for original music.


Behind the entire editing videos and sharing with the world while watching the products of others' works, I also do photography under the name OtakuTO (Otaku Photography). Behind the varied photographies done, there's one aspect that's barely acknowledged, and that's the world of Otakus with cosplays. And just for that, my focus of photography mainly goes out to the Otakus all around the world.

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