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[TV Tuesday] Grimm

Show: Grimm

Genre: Drama/Action/Fantasy/Science Fiction

Status: In Progress

Run Time: 42 Minutes

Another Tuesday, and with it comes another spot into the TV Tuesday!

Today’s spotlight – Grimm!

Just like Once Upon a Time, this series takes on the insight to stories. But this time, it’s not your typical fairytale stories, but rather Grimm version of it all. And when I say, “Grimm version,” I mean VERY Grimm.

For those of you that don’t know about the Grimm brothers, their stories are darker than what Disney makes out the stories to be. Such as Peter Pan. Disney makes Peter Pan be one of the lost boys that creates a lot of fun by causing mischief and bringing the pirates misery. However, the Grimm brothers have made Peter Pan to actually be the evil doer. In the Grimm brothers’ version, Peter Pan is actually a boy with his shadow unattached to his body that goes around kidnapping young children that feels as if they aren’t wanted by their parents, and he takes those Lost Boys, the Lost Children, away to Neverland to never return ever again.

And just like that, in the Disney version of Cinderella, the prince goes around trying to find Cinderella by fitting the one lost glass shoe on every maiden’s foot. How Disney took it was by not making it gruesome by not allowing any women cut off their toes. The Grimm brothers? What the Grimm brothers do is having all the women cut their toes and feet off just to allow the glass shoe to fit their feet.

Just like how there’s a lot of gruesome stories in Grimm brothers’ version of the stories, there are also a lot of gruesome things to watch in this show. Grimm series is a cop show, but unlike shows like NCIS and Elementary, it’s not completely investigative. At least not in a normal sense. In this show, they have made the Grimm brothers being able to see creatures that normal humans cannot, and what normal humans cannot see are called “wesen” – Creatures that look like humans but can change forms at will or at wavering of troubled emotions such as sadness. And one of the descendants of the Grimm brothers is a cop named Nick Burkhardt and he, just like his mother and his aunt, are able to see those that aren’t like the rest of the human race.

In the New York Police Department, he is partnered up with a man named Hank Griffin, who happens to be just a normal human, and Hank has no idea of what his partner Nick is. At least not until later on down in the series when Hank believes that he is losing his mind from thinking he was imagining things of a man turning into a dangerous creature some sort before Nick decides to sit him down to talk Hank into understanding what had happened. To the wesen community, the members of the Grimm line are considered to be dangerous, but Nick becomes well known as “the Grimm that takes mercy” and seen as a good guy compared to rest of the Grimms that had been encountered – And all because of Monroe, a man who is a Wielder Blutbad, a type of a wolf wesen, nearly shredding Nick into pieces out of believing that Nick was at Monroe’s house to kill Monroe. And ever since Monroe pairing up with Nick and Hank for handful of their investigation, Nick has come to being accepted by the wesen community overtime.

Of course, with this show, it’s not just about weird creatures with strange names where Nick and any other Grimm descendants around are either trying to kill the wesens or protect the wesens. What makes Nick stand out compared to all the other Grimm in the past is that if he sees that there is a wesen worth protecting, he will reel them in as his ally, such as Monroe, and protect them rather than allowing them to get killed by even other Grimm members. If he sees that a wesen is a threat to himself and others around him, including the wesen that he have made his ally, then he will be more than willing to kill those wesen. Of course, not all wesen are dangerous careless of how dangerous they are considered to be, such as Monroe, who is one of the wesen classified as a type of wolf.

Want to find out what sort of dangerous creatures there are that lives among us humans? And wonder what it would actually like to live in a society where we don’t even realize that there are things beyond our human knowledge?

Follow Nick in his line of work as one of New York police officers that lives a double life of acting like just a normal human when living with being able to see all these wondrous creatures living among side of humans in the show Grimm!

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